Slowing Down

The true art of photography demands that you slow down and think. I’m not talking about snapping pictures, I’m talking about creating meaningful, intentional art.

There are books and blogs written on this subject alone, and I’m not going to get into the technicalities of creating beautiful photography. But I am going to suggest you take the time to learn.

Learn the exposure triangle. Use manual. Learn to find the light, learn to use the light, to manipulate light, to *see* light. Focus. Composition. Learn the rules (and then forget the rules).

Create art.

Many photographers will recommend learning film photography because it forces you to be intentional. Film is expensive! You don’t want to mess up your shot. You don’t have the luxury of previewing your shot, ensuring you got it before moving on to the next. Whether you’re using film or digital, be intentional. Take. Your. Time.

Do it for the art, not for the moment. There is a difference between remembering a moment and expressing yourself as an artist; there is a time and a place for both of those things, but they are not to be confused.

Think of your camera as a paintbrush, your charcoal, your clay. Use it and manipulate it. Take the time to practice and learn your art.